
Middle School student writing at the board

The mission of St. Mark’s Cathedral School is to value the individual who comes to us, to help that student to realize his or her potential, and to foster a culture that reflects Christian values, intellectual curiosity, and a strong work ethic. Our goal is to develop a student who first feels self-confident educationally, socially, and spiritually, and who can reach out to help others in our community. 


We are a traditional college preparatory institution which recognizes the value of each individual child and seeks to help each child fulfill his or her potential. We blend the best current research on teaching and learning with best tried and true practices in order to create a program which is both traditional and progressive. All is held together by our Episcopal identity and our commitment to providing a loving, nurturing environment for each student.

We focus on the personal growth of each student and strive for a balanced emphasis upon the academic, athletic, and aesthetic–sensory, social, and spiritual–in an environment conducive to the highest achievement possible within the confines of each individual’s abilities. We work in cooperation with each family as we teach their children to meet their responsibilities, be considerate of others, face up to challenges, discipline themselves, and develop lifelong habits that will prepare them for further education and productive lives.

Goals & Objectives

We define education as the development of all the talents with which a child has been endowed: intellectual, moral, emotional, physical and spiritual. We seek to instill and nurture self-respect, respect for others, respect for education, and Christian charity in our students.

The Portrait of a St. Mark’s Cathedral School Graduate

A St. Mark’s student…

  • Has a vision for a limitless future.
  • Is able to voice concerns, beliefs, questions, and doubts, knowing that what he or she says matters.
  • Has a thankful heart and love for God and for all of God's people.
  • Can listen to and feel empathy for others.
  • Has a heart for service.
  • Is equipped with an academic base second to none, and is confident that he or she can succeed in any situation.
  • Is well-equipped for the changing world of technology.
  • Is well-written, well-spoken, and well-regarded.
  • Has an appreciation for the arts.
  • Exhibits both resilience and leadership, serving as a role model, a contributor, and an influence in the local, national, and global community.

Adopted by the Faculty, Spring 2008; Revised, Fall 2012; Revised, Fall 2022