Spiritual Life
St. Mark’s Cathedral School is committed to the goal of maintaining a diverse student body, and families of many different faiths play an important role at our school. As an Episcopal school and a ministry of St. Mark’s Cathedral, an important part of the school’s mission is fostering spiritual development. We are committed to the task of helping all students grow in their understanding of their relationship to God and all persons.
We share the Christian values, high academic standards, and commitment to diversity, which are the trademarks of Episcopal schools nationwide. The school is careful not to substitute religious indoctrination for education. Instead, the central tenets of the Christian faith are affirmed. The spirit that permeates is ecumenical.
Through chapel services, service projects, and the integration of Christian principles in the curriculum, students have many opportunities to develop as spiritual beings and are challenged to consider their relationships with God and their neighbors.
Chapel services are an important part of the St. Mark’s program, and all students attend at least once once per week. These services allow us to meet together as a community and focus on the spiritual dimension of our human experience. While certain customs and practices of the Episcopal Church are followed, no effort is made to encourage students to become members of the Episcopal Church.
Friday is designated as “Family Chapel” for first through eighth grade, and parents of these students are especially encouraged to attend on that day. However, parents are always welcome to attend all chapel services and sit with their children.
Holy Eucharist
Several times per year to mark important Feast Days in the life of the Church, students in first through eighth grades participate in the Holy Eucharist, also known as Holy Communion. Instructions are given as to how to receive communion. Students who have been baptized and receive communion in their own churches are welcome to receive communion at St. Mark’s.
St. Mark's Cathedral School Prayer
Almighty God, we beseech thee with thy gracious favor, to behold our St. Mark’s Cathedral School, that knowledge may be increased among us and all good learning flourish and abound. Bless all who teach and all who learn, and grant that in humility of heart, we may ever look unto thee, who art the fountain of all wisdom, through Jesus Christ our Lord.