Holiday Poinsettias

A Fundraiser for the SMCS Parents' Club

Get ready for the holiday season and fill your home with Christmas spirit - great gifts for friends, family, and clients!

$16 each: Each 6-inch multi-bloom poinsettia from Akin's Nursery is available in red or white and comes in a 1-gallon red wrapped pot.

Orders due Friday, November 1, 2024

Pick-Up: Poinsettias will be available for pick-up the first week of December at St. Mark's Cathedral School. You will be notified once the date is confirmed.

Questions? Contact Catherine Simpson, Holiday Shop Chair, at or 318.426.4822.

St. Mark's Holiday Shop: Poinsettias


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<p>Please make checks payable to &quot;St. Mark&#39;s Cathedral School&quot; and return to the school office: Attn: Holiday Shop, St. Mark&#39;s Cathedral School, 2785 Fairfield Ave., Shreveport, LA 71104</p>
<p>We will bill your FACTS account (available to current St. Mark&#39;s Cathedral School families/faculty only).</p>
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